دانلود مقاله با موضوع تعهد دولت به بخش گردشگری و هتلداری در طول همه گیری COVID-19

دانلود مقاله با موضوع تعهد دولت به بخش گردشگری و هتلداری در طول همه گیری COVID-19


در قالب pdf و در 17  اسلاید،قابل ویرایش، شامل:

موضوع به انگلیسی:Government commitment to
tourism and hospitality sector
during COVID-19 pandemic

بخشی از متن:Abstract
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to explore the tourism policy commitment of the government of
Uzbekistan to bring back the tourists and sustain the tourism and hospitality sector during the Covid-19
pandemic. The study employed qualitative documentary research methodology using the thematic analysis
with the support of the Nvivo 12 to analyze Google news articles published in the English language. The
results demonstrated that the government of Uzbekistan employed a variety of policies and measures geared
towards tourists and businesses during the pandemic. Mainly, the government showed confidence and trust
in its policies by providing financial compensation to tourists if they get the Covid-19 infection, improved
sanitary conditions and travel restrictions to prevent the spread of the virus. In terms of businesses, the
government was dedicated to restoring and mitigating the adverse outcomes of Covid-19 in the tourism and
hospitality sector by providing subsidies and certification that the company is following the sanitary
protocols. The findings of this study illustrate that the government of Uzbekistan should continue feeding the
media with the information related to strategies implemented towards reviving the tourism and hospitality
sector, which will build the confidence of the tourists and businesses during the pandemic period.
Keywords Hospitality, Pandemic, COVID-19, Government of Uzbekistan, Tourism messages,
Tourism policies
Paper type Research paper



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  1. آواتار

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درباره نگین فایل
فروشگاه ساز فایل تمامی خدمات لازم برای راه اندازی و ساخت یک فروشگاه را در اختیار شما می گذارد. شما بدون نیاز به هاست ، دامنه ، هزینه های بالای برنامه نویسی و طراحی سایت می توانید فروشگاه خود را ایجاد نمایید .پشتیبانی واتساپ سایت:09054820692 .
آمار فروشگاه
  •   تعداد فروشگاه: 123
  •   تعداد محصول: 37,447
  •   بازدید امروز : 1,899
  •   بازدید هفته گذشته: 21,931
  •   بازدید ماه گذشته: 290,896